Coaching is a process. That process leads to discovery and discovery leads to change.

Coaching is a guided partnership, that offers the process to discover more about yourself, empowering you to be better at creating change, boundaries, achieving goals, and deeper more meaningful connections with those you love.

Fundamentally coaching is a way to build your life exactly the way you want it.

What to Expect from Coaching

 The Process

Whether you are wanting a big change, already going through a transition, or just want to know more about yourself on a deeper level for personal growth, coaching helps you answer those deep personal questions examining what you truly want, need, and value. This process supports you in determining how your old beliefs, mindset, or maybe negative self talk is hindering or helping. By partnering with Hartley it allows you the tools to make changes and see growth faster. 

The Call

Hartley will initiate the call with you, and set up the framework for you to talk about whatever topic you choose - whether that is an ongoing deep dive into what makes you, you, or a new challenge posed for the day. You can expect that Hartley will lead you on a nuanced discussion, with mindful and powerful questions while holding space for you to look closely at things. She will observe and bring to light patterns in thinking or behavior, allowing you to get to the root of your own beliefs and mindset, creating space for new awarenesses and the opportunity for growth. 

Coaching calls end with reflection, setting goals, and suggested “homework” that is voluntary, but intended for you to take our work on-call into the real world.

Hartley’s Clients

Hartley has worked with clients of all kinds. She is LGBTQIA+ friendly and welcomes all races, genders, and religions. Coaching is for everyone. Yes, even you.

If you’re ready to start, give Hartley an email here to set up your free initial call.

Still curious what areas coaching can help you in? Here are some ideas:

Stress Management
Personal and Family Resiliency
Handling Crisis
Balance of Life and Work
Self Care and Personal Time Management
Organization and Daily Routine
Work/Life Balance
Feeling Stuck or Overwhelmed
Job Change
”Mid-Life Crisis”
Intentional Parenting

You may be unsure and feeling lost in the abyss of self-development, but I assure you, there is no easier way that to take one small step in the direction of your best self. I promise, it will be worth it. Message me now.


Parent Coaching