mindset Hartley Steiner mindset Hartley Steiner


Do you ever feel stuck? Like you know you need something different, or to make a change, but you just can’t find the way there? I find that this comes down to mindset, and specifically not (yet!) believing that all things are possible for you.

What would be different if you truly believed that your life is full of possibilities?
Think about that for a minute. Have an answer?

Many clients come to me with big dreams, or big wants in life, but have already convinced themselves that it isn’t possible for them. That it is too hard, or too expensive, or would take too much time. But what if it wasn’t? What if instead you focused on all of the reasons it could work?

I am not suggesting that in any way it would be easy. I am only saying it is possible. I am saying you can do hard things. You can do whatever it is you set your mind to.

So before you give up on a business idea, or going back to school, or changing jobs, or creating a better work/life balance, or whatever it is that you want, do yourself the favor of believing it is possible. Once you can accept that it is possible, start with the first step: explore the idea, and investigate what it would take for you to achieve it. Ask yourself these questions:

What would you need to make it happen?
What would be the first action to take?
What support would you need? From whom?

Getting your mindset on track that all things are possible gives you the power to reach whatever goals you set for yourself.

Stop talking yourself out of doing things before you even try. You’re worth more than that.

Let’s turn those ideas into actions. Send me a message.

Stop talking yourself out of doing things before you even try..png
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