Are you ready for something new?

Schedule your free consultation with Hartley to find out how coaching can be
a powerful catalyst for change in your life.

About Hartley


Hartley Steiner lives in the Seattle area with her three sons. She is the award winning author of the SPD Children’s book This is Gabriel Making Sense of SchoolSensational Journeys, and It’s Just a What?.  She is a Life and Parenting Coach, working 1 to 1 with adults of all ages, as well as an active advocate and speaker. She is a contributing writer for S.I. Focus Magazine and Autism Spectrum Quarterly, among dozens of other websites and blogs.

Hartley is available for speaking engagements and group coaching focusing on a wide variety of topics from Sensory Diet, Sensory Parenting Support, Behavior, School Sensory Accommodations, Family and Personal Resiliency, Building Connection, Self Care and Spiritual Awareness, as well as custom and individualized subjects. Hartley loves a challenge, so contact her for customized presentations!

Hartley is a direct and honest communicator, who uses her sense of humor, experience and unique perspective to provide Life and Parent Coaching.  If you are experiencing a transition, a bump in the road, are stuck, or are attempting to set goals and achieve them, you could benefit from Coaching. Working with Hartley will allow you to learn new strategies, get support in implementing them, and use practical tools to help you succeed.


I’d love to show you how coaching can transform your life.